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How Microsoft Dynamics 365 helps you increase sales productivity?


The unprecedented and unpredicted recent developments in the world due to the pandemic has made digitalization a necessity for organizations to both survive and thrive. The way sales and marketing functions operate has also transformed in the recent past. To thrive in this digital ecosystem, you need a modern and robust sales automation tool that seamlessly connects your customers across various channels and equips the sales team with the necessary resources. Thankfully, Dynamics 365 for Sales, offers all of these, whether you connect with customers remotely or face to face. D365 helps the sales team to achieve the growth targets, generate leads, increase account value, sell as a team, and win over customers. Here are some ways Dynamics 365 helps to improve your sales. 

  • Engage customers on their terms: If this sounds too unrealistic, then it’s time you relook at your sales and marketing process. Gone are the days when customers would listen and buy in just because you take a lot of effort to shout from the rooftop. It’s the era of well-informed customers who have all the information they need at their fingertips and the last thing they want is someone being salesy. Dynamics 365 offers a contextual view of customer behaviour, including past marketing and service interactions, allowing you to approach the customer based on their need and information level. The AI-based sales technology of D365 allows you to respond to your buyers with high-value information they need during the decision-making process.
  • Stay on top of your social media channels: Digital marketing is the key to success in today’s times, and social media marketing forms a major part of it. Managing multiple accounts on social media can be hectic and exhausting. Dynamics 365 for Marketing solves this problem by creating a central system that integrates all social media handles. You can monitor feeds, monitor feeds, and contact potential customers.
  • Prioritize your sales metrics: D365 benchmarks performance against the key indicators and informs sales executives and managers with charts and tables of progress and team growth. It manages the leads for the sales team to save time and resources. The real-time dashboards offered by Dynamics 365 offers greater visibility and allows you to prioritize your sales metrics such as deal-cycle length and customer churn rate, allowing you to streamline your sales processes for for optimal outcomes.
  • Improve customer experience and satisfaction: The application has tools to handle support issues and send automated email updates, dynamics 365 ensures customer engagement. This helps businesses to identify and reward their most profitable customers. Dynamics 365 also has a smart feedback system allowing you to improve certain areas and increase customer satisfaction. Increased customer relations result in higher sales and brand popularity.
  • Keep a holistic view of performance: Dynamics 365 provides forecasts, pipeline charts, and sales statistics so that you can have a birds-eye-view of your sales performance. Dynamics 365 compares the growth and performance of products over time to help test price. It provides insights into the process of sales productivity and the problems faced. The apps provided by Dynamics 365 reduce the communication gap between field and office-based sales staff and increase sales productivity.

If you want to know more about Microsoft Dynamics 365 or need a demo, get in touch with the Microsoft consultants at ISys Solutions.